The iWave Air Purifier is one of the few products that have been tested effective for the Covid-19 Virus. We have these stocked on all of our vans. Ask your technician for more details.
It's the beginning of the month, so that means it is time to replace your air filter. Changing the air filter regularly helps extended the life of your system.
Daylight Saving Time begins on March 14 2021. This is also a great time to check the batteries in your smoke & carbon monoxide detectors.
We will start
scheduling the Spring Maintenance visits in Mid- to Late- March. If you haven't renewed your Service Contract with us, now is the time before it gets too hot!
Spring HVAC Maintenance We have sent out our yearly maintenance invoices to those that did not renew their maintenance agreement in the fall. We will start our Spring Services in mid- to late-March. Have you renewed your agreement?